Japanese dignitaries pay courtesy visit to MRT-3

Japan Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, Japan Ambassador Endo Kazuya, and other Japanese dignitaries, paid a courtesy visit to the Metro Rail Transit Line-3, July 7.

Transportation Assistant Secretary and MRT-3 Officer-in-Charge Jorjette Aquino and MRT-3 Director for Operations Oscar Bongon welcomed and accompanied the visitors around the depot complex.

Afterwards, the dignitaries requested to board the train from North Avenue Station to Ayala Station. Foreign Minister Kamikawa expressed her excitement while riding the new and improved MRT-3, the rehabilitation of which was made possible with the help of the government of Japan.

She also expressed Japan's commitment towards supporting more Philippine development projects. Asec. Aquino extended her gratitude to Foreign Minister Kamikawa and the Japanese government.

"We are thrilled to welcome our friends and partners from Japan here at the heart of MRT-3, our depot. The MRT-3 stands as a prime example of the successful collaboration between Japan and the Philippines and we are extremely fortunate to have Japan as our generous development partner," said Asec. Aquino.

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Accompanying Foreign Minister Kamihawa were Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Director General Nakamura Ryo, Press and Public Diplomacy Deputy Press Secretary Kaneko Mariko, Foreign Affairs Executive Assistant Kodaira Mitsuru, Second Southeast Asia Division Director Nakai Yuichi and Assistant Director Takeno Yuri, Senior Foreign Policy Coordinator Murotani Masakatsu, International Legal Affairs Division Deputy Director Okada Yuki, Japan Minister Nihei Daisuke, First Secretary Tamura Maiko and Ide Masashi, and Second Secretary Kinoshita Akito, Matsushige Tomoaki, and Shigeyoshi Rintaro.

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